Add reference genome sequence

Using the admin web frontend, a reference genome sequence can be added to a dataset by

  1. Clicking the buttonimport icon to the left of the label “Reference genome”, under the tree branch that represents the dataset.
  2. Click the button “Reference genome” in the popup.

A dialog box appears that allows one to pick a FASTA sequence file from the local computer, and upload it to the Panoptes server as a source file for the reference genome sequence.

  • Click “Choose file” to select the local file that contains the reference genome sequence.
  • Click “Create reference genome” to define this file as the source of the reference genome sequence.

Follow-up actions

Modify the reference genome settings:
  1. Click on the buttonedit icon left of the label “Reference genome
  2. Click non the button “Edit Settings” in the popup. (see Data import settings and and Reference genome settings)
Edit the chromosome definitions:
  1. Click on the buttonedit icon left of the label “Reference genome
  2. Click non the button “Edit Chromosome definition” in the popup.
Import the source data:
Updating a dataset from source the data to the server database does not happen automatically, and has to be initiated by the user. Click on the buttonrun icon left of the dataset label to initiate this import. (see Import dialog box).