Add a new data table to a dataset

Using the admin web frontend, a new data table can be created by clicking the button buttonnew, next to the label “Datatables”, under the tree branch that represents the dataset.

A dialog box appears that allows one to pick a TAB-delimited file from the local computer, and upload it to the Panoptes server as a source file for a new data table (example file).

  • Click “Choose file” to select the local file that contains the data for this data table.
  • Click “Create data table” to create a new data table source, based on this file.


  • The name of the local source file will be used as an internal identifier for this custom data table. During import, these data will be loaded into a relational database table that has a name equal to this identifier.
  • The columns in the source file will be mapped to properties of the data table.
  • The column header names will be used as the property unique ID’s.


Make sure that the source file name, and the column headers are valid variable names (see Valid data identifiers).

This action creates a new data table directory for this dataset on the server, and uploads the file as data source (see also Data table source files).

Follow-up actions

Review the uploaded data file content:
Click on the buttonviewdata icon left of the data table label to bring up a top N row view of the uploaded source data.
Modify the settings:
Click on the buttonedit icon left of the data table label (see Data import settings and and Data table settings).
Import the source data:
Updating a dataset from source the data to the server database does not happen automatically, and has to be initiated by the user. Click on the buttonrun icon left of the dataset label (see Import dialog box).